Is Your Health at Risk?

Many people struggle with getting more exercise and eating more nutritiously even though they know their health is at risk because they feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or simply don't know how to get started.
That's why we created a course that makes working out and eating healthy simple and ENJOYABLE with an easy-to-follow behavior change program so that you can take control of your lifestyle habits for good and LOVE your NEW HEALTHY YOU!!
Are you feeling frustrated with your futile attempts at weight loss? You're not alone!
Do you start your new "weight loss journey" gung-ho and motivated over and over again but then just fizzle out?
Do you blame yourself for not being strong enough or motivated enough or for being too uncoordinated or too out of shape to get healthy and lose weight and then you feel more discouraged and frustrated than ever?
Have you done all the bootcamps and even hired a personal trainer but all you discovered was how much you hate working out?

You NEVER have to feel this way again!
Maybe it's time for a new STRATEGY.

Why do so many people fail to lose weight and keep it off?
Maybe it's because they don't have a research-proven PLAN, the necessary SUPPORT SYSTEM, or the Powerful MINDSET that it takes to succeed.
"LIVE YOUR POWER" isn't just another weight loss journey - you'll be embarking on the most important and rewarding expedition of your lifetime.
Just like climbing Mt. Everest - You're going to need a strategic plan, keen attention to training and preparation, and most importantly, a Sherpa to help you navigate the challenges and help you carry the load as you summit your personal weight loss mountain.
You don't have to go it alone anymore.
We can do this TOGETHER.
We've Got the Tools, Strategy, and Support to help you Navigate Your Upcoming Health Expedition
You'll Finally Have the Support You've Been Searching For!
You'll enjoy support and camaraderie from your teammates and your accountability SHERPA throughout the program! You'll be motivated by people just like you who can relate to what you're going through and offer advice and support every step along the way! Your weekly check-ins and daily habit-tracking help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.
Learn Helpful Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Sustainable Sucess
Making small changes to everyday habits add up to BIG effective long-term success! You'll adopt new ways of doing things and implement simple strategies little by little so that they become a way of life instead of just another failed attempt.
Learn to EAT healthy for a better more energetic and fulfilling LIFE!
Instead of becoming dependent on a strict meal plan, you'll learn to make healthier choices with practical tips and tricks for eating healthy on the run, at home, at work, and late at night when those munchies hit hardest - so that you have a plan to OVERCOME even the biggest challenges!
Make your new eating plan a lifestyle by replacing your "bad" habits with GOOD habits as you take baby steps towards GIANT RESULTS! Goal-setting and habit tracking are proven success tools that will help you STICK to it and HIT those goals!
Take Charge of YOUR OWN Health and Fitness
The NoWalls Instructional videos with Tami will teach you everything you need to know so that you can become your own best personal trainer! When you complete this program, you will know proper form and technique for resistance training, how to find cardio workout you love, and how to protect your knees and back along the way. Learn what types of workouts are best for YOUR goals, and how to develop a well-rounded fitness program that will keep you fit, healthy, safe, and active for LIFE.
FUN Workouts You'll ENJOY 💛
Stay active from home with fun, easy-to-follow incremental exercise routines that encourage you to workout at YOUR own level - no matter your shape, size, fitness level or ability.
You'll get to EASE into exercise with workouts that literally start off in an easy-chair and get harder as YOU get STRONGER!
Change Your Habits for Good
When you track the Eight Essential Habits for a Healthier Happier YOU, it helps you stay focused on your goals and to make better choices throughout the day. Our exclusive app makes it SUPER SIMPLE to keep track of your points for the day - in fact, it only takes about 1 minute to enter your scores! PLUS - you earn points and badges along the way!
Everything You Need to Know for LIFETIME SUCCESS!!
There are three "LEGS" in "LIVE YOUR POWER": LIVE HEALTHY, LIVE FIT, and LIVE YOUR POWER. Each LEG has EIGHT TREKS - or strategy sessions - that help guide you through your expedition and help you SUMMIT your personal Mt. Everest. You'll address a different aspect of healthy living and adopt a practical strategy for changing your habits little by little until BOOM! You're living HEALTHY and LOVING your new LIFESTYLE!
Here's the exciting part: you have LIFETIME access to your course! So whenever you need a refresher or want to review some great strategies - you can refer back to key topics at any time!! And you can continue to interact with new teammates along the way! BONUS: your coach will always be within reach if you need an accountability check-in!
PowerLiving 101 Provides ALL of the Puzzle Pieces!
"LIVE YOUR POWER" is the ONLY solution that provides EVERYTHING in one program. Research shows that the very few people who actually succeed at losing weight and keeping it off, and who successfully REVERSE cardio disease and diabetes have the following in common:
BOTTOM LINE: If you're willing to do the work, we will be there working with you, sharing your burdens, and navigating your expedition EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.
Let's do this - TOGETHER.
When You Start Living Your Power You will...
Immediately begin reversing disease risk and lowering your stress about your health
Be in a better mood and feel happier, improving your relationships
Learn to think more positively and get rid of those nagging negative voices of defeat
Tap into your inner motivation and start setting and achieving meaningful goals
Feel more confident, hold your head higher, and unlock your true potential
Notice that people around you are starting to WISH they were YOU as they wonder at your energy and see the pep in your step
Change the shape and the health of your body - from the inside out. As you change your body composition you will be gaining muscle and losing fat as you boost your metabolism
Start getting your numbers in check - when you start eating healthy and exercising (YES - YOU NEED BOTH!!) your blood will get so so so much healthier!! Your heart will get stronger, you'll breathe easier, you'll notice that you can complete daily tasks without grunting and groaning, and the sun will always be shining! (OK, we can't control the weather, but it will become easier for you to carry the sunshine in your pocket! ☀️)
You'll sleep better and thus be able to handle the days' challenges with ease and aplomb.
The benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise are too many to list.
If they could put exercise in a pill it would be the most prescribed medication in the world.
It is truly the closest thing to the fountain of youth that we'll ever find.
There really is no legitimate excuse NOT to move more and eat better. UNLESS your GOAL is to shorten your life, have LESS energy, get diabetes, risk losing your eyesight and your legs, suffer from heart disease, and sacrifice your independence so that you can get on more meds, experience more horrifying side-effects and die too young.
The choice is YOURS.
Can you afford to put it off?
❤️ Enjoy UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT from your Coach ❤️
I know what you are going through...
I was there too. I took on a new job with a high stress level, started gaining weight, and my cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars all got into the DANGER ZONE and a diagnosis of pre-diabetes and some prescription medications to lower my cholesterol and blood pressure! AACK!
Life happens. Stress, less than optimal nutritional habits, and not enough physical activity can lead any of us into weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar... and BOOM!! HEART DISEASE or DIABETES or STROKE.
Lucky for me, I'd spent a good 30 years researching what makes weight loss work, what happens to our blood on good nutrition, and how to avoid disease. It was time to TAKE BACK CONTROL of my own health!
Within a couple of months I was able to turn my health "numbers" around, get off the medication and out of the "danger zone" by losing 20 pounds and eating healthier - using this exact program that I'm sharing with you - and you can REVERSE YOUR DISEASE RISK and TURN YOUR HEALTH AROUND too!!
When you join our PowerLiving 101 online expedition, you'll have direct access to your coach EVERY WEEK with an online inspirational zoom meeting followed by Q&A where you can ask me any questions you have and celebrate the week's successes! I can't wait to meet you!!

We've Helped Hundreds of People Lose Weight, Transform their Health and their Bodies, and Feel more Confident than EVER Before

The average person in the LIVE YOUR POWER program who has a goal of losing weight, can expect to shed about 10 pounds per month in a healthy way so that the weight stays off.
Hundreds of clients have been through LIVE YOUR POWER, and 100% who followed the program reported a transformation in mind, body and spirit - and a huge increase in their confidence! That's why we can guarantee that if you follow the LIVE YOUR POWER program, it WILL help improve your health or we'll refund every penny.
Many people who have completed their EXPEDITION have shared what a tremendous impact this course has had not only on their fitness and health, but their mental health and happiness as well. We are not trained psychologists and make no mental health promises, but this is one of our favorite things to hear from our members!
Sometimes it's hard to put our own health FIRST. We are so used to serving others that we feel guilty for investing in ourselves.
If you don't take the time to care for yourself NOW,
you won't be able to care for anyone later.
They'll have to take care of YOU.
The BEST thing you can do for your family and friends
is to take care of YOURSELF.
It's Selfish NOT TO.
Take Control of Your Health with "LIVE YOUR POWER" Total Lifestyle Transformation
that includes our NoWalls exclusive EASE-Into-Fitness Workout Adventure!
"But I Have SO FAR to Go - it seems OVERWHELMING!
Is it possible for ME to actually CHANGE my weight and my health and feel good about myself again?"
Are you ready to get your CONFIDENCE BACK?
To succeed, you'll need commitment, a strategic plan, and a sherpa to help you navigate the terrain. We are going BEYOND a journey and taking it to a full EXPEDITION.
Many dream of climbing Mt. Everest.
A few give it a try and a very select, determined and dedicated few make the SUMMIT.
That Person Is YOU.
What sets YOU apart?
Your realization that YOUR LIFE and the WAY you LIVE IT MATTERS.
Your dedication to your HEALTH and your ability to truly ENJOY your life.
Your determination to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to TAKE CONTROL of your HEALTH.
You'll See.
You'll start believing in yourself like WE BELIEVE IN YOU.
And YOU WILL lose the weight, keep it off, and get your health and your confidence back for good!
Step ONE

Step TWO

ENJOY being healthier, happier, and having more energy!
This is Your Life. Live it WELL.
We understand the desire to be healthy, energetic, and full of joy. In order to live the healthy active life you want, you need to believe in yourself as much as we believe in YOU. You need CONFIDENCE to succeed.
Too often the diet and fitness industries set people up for failure with false promises, unrealistic expectations, and programs that push too hard too soon, leaving them feeling frustrated and discouraged.
We believe that no-one should ever have to feel ashamed, unworthy, or unable to create a healthy active lifestyle that they ENJOY. We understand the frustration because we've experienced it too.
The disappointment after coming from your doctor's office with a new medication because your blood pressure, or cholesterol, or blood glucose - or ALL of them are going UP. The worry about your health and disease risk if you don't get your diet and your weight under control. And THEN you start the cycle...
The fad diets that make you more unhealthy than before, the intimidation we feel when we go into a health club, the frustration when we have to get up and down off of the floor doing yet another set of burpees, the awkwardness of trying to jump up and down like a crazy person just to keep up in a cardio class, the harassment from a personal trainer trying to make us puke up lunch just to prove that we shouldn't have eaten that burger, and the nutritionist who puts you on a diet of nothing but boiled chicken and broccoli. Yuck. and YUP - we get it.
It's time to break that cycle of frustration and disappointment and find a way to make living a health active lifestyle achievable and ENJOYABLE.
That's why we developed a step-by-step, research-proven, results-driven, simple-to-follow, strategic and comprehensive PLAN for your MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT that helps you navigate the expedition from COUCH to CONFIDENT.
Get started today so that you can stop beating yourself up, end your frustration and feelings of defeat, and instead START ENJOYING your new expedition to SUMMIT your personal Mt. Everest. This isn't the same old journey you've been on before. This time you'll be prepared. You'll have a practical and strategic plan, the necessary tools, and you'll have a Sherpa - a guide that will be there with you every step of the way.
You will conquer the odds and achieve the goal of a lifetime. You'll be the envy of all of your friends, be an inspiration to your family, enjoy better health, have more energy, and live a life you're proud of. Get off the couch and get your life and your confidence back for good.
You've Got This.